Introducing the newest member of the Tharaldson family, Nolan Joseph was born August 26th at 9:03pm. He weighed in at 6lbs. 12oz. and 20 inches long. Labor didn't go as fast as it did with Carter but it was only 3 1/2 hours long, which seemed long to us. They pushed back the time of my induction 3 times on Thursday so to say the least I was a little impatient when I got there and wanted to get the show on the road. Everything went smoothly, they broke my water at 5:30 and gave me some medicine to get things started although I had been having contractions the past two days also so I was ready. And after about 4 pushes baby Nolan arrived with a full head of hair, long fingers and toes, a beautiful complexion and he looks just like his daddy, of course.
We have been adjusting just fine to life at home with two boys. Eric is home with me for 2 weeks so it has been great to spend time with family. We have had tons of visitors who have come with dinners, treats, and gifts. Eric loves the food deliveries and it saves me from having to make dinner. Carter is still not to sure about his little brother. He looks at him for 2 seconds and then turns away and says "nope, nope". So we'll give it some time and he will soon realize the new little one is here to stay. They will grow up to be the best of friends. Nolan is a great little eater and has been nursing perfectly. He is a content baby who only gets upset when he is hungry or you are trying to change him. He is not a fan of being undressed, he gets cold. Hopefully he won't take after me and be freezing cold all of the time.
Well I will do my best to keep you all posted on our crazy life now with two babies under two but right now, mama needs a nap!