Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First day of Pre-school


Our little first born ran the show on his first day of Pre-school. Walked into the classroom with poise and confidence like a professional. Every day since has been pure excitement for him when he goes to school. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the grabbing onto my leg for one last hug and kiss, one last good bye. Now my brave boy waves goodbye and walks with his head up high ready to start the school day. And this mama walks away hanging her head, holding back the tears because she knows, her little man is growing up. He is finding his independence and I am so proud.

We have a very busy week with four days of pre-school, swim therapy and Hippo (horseback riding) therapy. We are constantly going which makes our weeks fly by. (Hence the lack of blogging.) We are excited about Carter's school year and his busy therapy schedule.

Will keep ya posted on the rest of our lives here shortly. PS. Nolan has received the memo that he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO defiantly two! Oh my!
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