Thursday, September 19, 2013

My dearest Addison


Dearest Addison, 

Where has the time gone? My last baby, my little lady, my precious third child. I said I would sit and soak up every second of our days and I have but it still going to fast. I however am loving watching you grow. Your personality shining through and a smile that lights the room just like your brothers. 
Oh and the places you have been little lady, unfortunately the world didn't stop turning when you came and life had to carry on. So at just a couple days old you were out taking brother Carter to pre-school. You really haven't stopped going since. A few of your adventures have been: picnics at the winery twice, trip to the Oregon coast, a guest at two destination weddings, gone on a 12 mile bike ride, hiked to a waterfall and a lake, rode on a horse, visited Nordstrom a few dozen times (shopping runs through your blood girl!), listened to an outdoor concert in the park, been in two movies, been swimming in a pool and very sadly stung by a bee while nursing under the hooter hider. If these adventures are any indication of how life will be, you are ready for the ride sister and I can't wait to watch you go! You are an easy go with the flow kind of girl, happy to just be in mama's arms or strapped in your "pouch" (Ergo). Laid back when your brothers are smothering your face with kisses and attention. And content in just about every situation. 
I am blessed you are mine and happy to see you complete our family. Bitter sweet that you are our last but I promise to slow down time and spoil you as the third baby as much as possible. 
I love you with all of my heart Addison Corey. 
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